Will I be able to talk after surgery?

By |September 1st, 2021||

Yes, you will be able to tak after undergoing lip lift surgery but it is heavily advised that you avoid making any strenuous facial movements for the first few days. It's also advised to keep things like smiling, chewing, talking and yawning (amongst others) to a minimum for the first [...]

Will a lip lift change my nose?

By |September 1st, 2021||

As the surgery is performed in the space between the upper lip and base of the nose, it is entirely possible that it can cause some form of change to the nose. At a bare minimum, there will be some scarring (which will fade over time) but as the wound [...]

Can buccal fat grow back?

By |August 31st, 2021||

The buccal fat removal procedure is considered to be a permanent solution to reduce the size of your cheeks. Once the buccal fat pads have been removed, just like fat cells in any area of the body, it isn't possible for it to grow back. It is possible however for [...]