What are the types of brow lift surgery?

By |January 6th, 2020||

There are a number of different types of brow lift surgery available to be performed but the most commonly performed are; Coronal brow lift - Where the surgeon make an incision that runs across the top of the forehead before removing excess tissue and fat. Endoscopic brow lift - Considered [...]

How painful is brow lift surgery?

By |January 6th, 2020||

Brow lift surgery is considered to be an outpatient procedure and is performed using general anaesthesic or local anaesthetic in addition to intravenous sedation so the procedure itself has no level of pain associated with it. Following the surgery, patients typically experience little pain but more of a feeling of [...]

What can I expect after a brow lift?

By |January 6th, 2020||

For the first couple of days the swelling and bruising will subside and you will be able to go back to your routine shortly after this as long as your surgeon has approved it. It can take a few weeks for the brows to reach a more normal position and [...]