When will I see the results of my tummy tuck?
There will be an instant visible improvement following your surgery, but it can take up to 6 months following your surgery before you see the best results.
There will be an instant visible improvement following your surgery, but it can take up to 6 months following your surgery before you see the best results.
This one is a little more difficult to answer as it varies depending on the job and the recovery of the individual patient. For example, working in an office environment is typically much less strenuous than working within a factory and in this case you would probably be able to [...]
Following the operation, we recommend getting as much rest as possible and if you do need to move, it’s important to avoid putting any stress on the muscles in your abdomen. One of the most important things is ensuring that you don’t try to do too much too soon until [...]
It’s a type of surgery that can be performed on both men and women as long as they fall into the criteria of patient who is suitable to have the treatment performed. Although it involves removing some excess fat and skin, it isn’t a suitable treatment for patients who are [...]
An abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) surgery is carried out under general anaesthetic and usually takes around three hours although this is entirely down to the individual patient and their requirements.
Immediately following your surgery your abdomen will be sore to touch and may cause you some discomfort when you’re moving, as well as showing signs of bruising and swelling for a few weeks following the procedure.
In short, the answer is yes. A lot of people confuse a tummy tuck surgery with liposuction or a gastric bypass and isn’t a treatment designed to help you lose weight. In fact, a tummy tuck surgery is performed to help you get rid of any excess skin and fatty [...]