Is a brow lift permanent?
As with all our surgical procedures, as long as you take care of yourself following the surgery then it will provide permanent results.
As with all our surgical procedures, as long as you take care of yourself following the surgery then it will provide permanent results.
Everybody can opt for a rhinoplasty surgery and for those with glasses, we advise taping them to your forehead instead of resting them on the bridge of your nose for a few weeks following your surgery to avoid putting any unnecessary pressure on the bridge of the nose.
There are two kinds of breast implants that are considered safe and these are saline and silicone implants. The type of implant to be used is entirely dependent on your ideal goals, but both saline and silicone based implants are safe for augmentation or reconstruction.
Not necessarily, this is dependent entirely on the individual surgery that is being performed and how much tissue is being removed. If a large amount of tissue is to be removed and the nipple would appear to be out of place following the surgery, the nipple can then be repositioned [...]
It's incredibly common for women to have one breast larger than the other, however in extreme cases this can be a noticeable difference. In these cases, it's possible to create a more even appearance with a breast reduction surgery being used to reduce the size of the larger breast.
Usually during liposuction surgeries, the maximum amount of fat that can be removed is around three or four litres. If you require more than this to be removed, then we recommend booking in for multiple liposuction surgeries to achieve the best results.
This one is a little more difficult to answer as it varies depending on the job and the recovery of the individual patient. For example, working in an office environment is typically much less strenuous than working within a factory and in this case you would probably be able to [...]